Download the complete pdf version of the call for papers here.


Submit your paper through Molesystems here.


Each submitted paper should be a complete PDF manuscript, up to six (6) pages (inclusive of all figures, tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE format: A4 pages, two columns, single spaced, 10 points Times New Roman font. IEEE template that can be found [here]. Papers not compliant with the IEEE template or exceeding the page limit will be returned without review! Papers identified as double submissions with respect to other conferences and/or journals will be rejected.

A submission of a scientific paper is considered as a commitment that, upon acceptance, authors will submit their camera-ready version for inclusion in the formal proceedings and will present the paper (or the poster) at the symposium. VLSI-SoC reserves the right to remove from IEEE Xplore papers and posters that have not been presented at the symposium.

Topic Areas for Submission

Below you can find the list of the topics (not limited to) for VLSISOC'24.

  • Analog design: modelling, simulation, verification, and prototyping of analog, mixed-signal, RF, sensors, and IoT circuits
  • Digital design: modelling, simulation, verification, and prototyping of circuits and systems, SoC, NoC, reconfigurable, IoT, and low-power architectures
  • Design for AI hardware  and emerging applications: unconventional computing, brain inspired computing, computation-in-memory, photonics, quantum, etc.
  • EDA tools and methodologies for IC design
  • Hardware Dependability: Design for testability, reliability, fault tolerance, security, safety, and variability
  • Other specialized topics; e.g., Signal processing, Communications/ 5G/ 6G; Biomedical, MEMS, Cyberphysical systems, Power electronic devices and circuits, etc.  

Key Dates

Abstract Deadline: 3 10 May 2024
Full Paper Deadline: 10 17 May 2024
Author Notification: 10 28 June 2024
Camera Ready: 30 June 2024

Submission Website

Click here to submit your paper. Only electronic submission of PDF files via the paper submission page are accepted.


VLSI-SoC'24 will produce electronic formal proceedings - with ISBN, and to be indexed in the IEEE Xplore digital library and other bibliographical search engines. Scientific papers can be accepted for:

  • oral presentation: you will be asked to prepare a final 6-page manuscript for inclusion in the formal proceedings;
  • poster presentation: in this case a 6-page paper will be included in the formal proceedings.

The formal proceedings will contain the PDF files of all accepted papers of accepted posters. 

The Best Paper Award of VLSI-SoC’24 will be presented at VLSI-SoC’25.

Book by Springer

A selection of extended version best regular accepted papers at the conference will be selected for publication in a book by Springer. The details information will be send to the authors timely.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the Program Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .